By badessaymyass - 17/04/2014 19:59 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I had my teacher look over my essay before turning it in. He said it was extremely well-written, so I handed it in. When I got it back, the feedback he left said it was one of the worst essays he'd ever read. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 107
You deserved it 4 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talk to him and see if maybe you can get the grade changed or something. That's not fair at all


geoforce 6

What an ass! I would talk to him and see why he gave you a different answer when looking over it.

Annnnd the worst teacher of the year award goes to..

Scynistr 20

I'm sorry but "well written" doesn't" mean "good". You could have good writing skills and still write a horrible essay... Just saying.

ik how u feel bro. Teachers are assholes

Perhaps only the teachers who tried to educate you are. Teachers give to their students exactly what the students give to their teachers.

It basically means that your teacher didn't really read the essay when he said it was well written. He just skimmed through and said the essay was good. But anyways, wish you the best of luck! Ask teacher for bonus work if it's necessary.