By DontGive2Fox - 05/03/2019 04:00

Today, I had my first job interview and didn’t have much of an appetite because of the nerves. So I grabbed a brownie that my roommate had left in the fridge and ate it on the train ride in to the city. About 20 minutes into my interview I was so stoned I couldn’t speak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 246
You deserved it 1 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was it weed or was it the guilt you felt for stealing your roommate’s food? Wait until the horse laxatives kick in!

Nah, my roommate and I had an agreement that anything in the house can be used/eaten unless we specifically said otherwise.


Was it weed or was it the guilt you felt for stealing your roommate’s food? Wait until the horse laxatives kick in!

iceberg 10

Ydi cause u just don't eat someone's brownie without asking.. Not kewl...

YDI for being "that guy" that just takes without asking. I wonder why the 280+ sympathizers agree? Are they assholes who take food without permission too?

Nah, my roommate and I had an agreement that anything in the house can be used/eaten unless we specifically said otherwise.

Boyufd 24
bl3ur0z3 17

When will people learn not to eat their roommate's brownies?

well time to get your roomie extremely ****** up for their next important day

His roomie doesn't deserve anything being done to him/her. He's the one that took food that wasn't his. He got bit in the ass after being a dick.

I call bull.. it takes more then 20 mins for the pot to kick in...

We don't know how long the train ride there was, though. Maybe it was a 30-40 minute ride, and that's why it kicked in 20 minutes into the interview.

pins91 27

We know this one is old as well; admin! only this time you’ve just deleted previous comments to make it look new. 🙄

That's why you don't eat food that isn't yours.