By sometingwong - 01/12/2011 20:32 - United States

Today, I had dinner at my girlfriend's house with her parents. Everything was going great, until after dinner when her dad pulled me aside and told me he'd heard us having sex. I was out of town all weekend for a baseball tournament. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 365
You deserved it 3 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Instead of "DUMP THAT *****" I'm going to go with a more elegant "ditch that bitch"

savona01 7

That sucks! It happen to me....with my wife! While I was out of town for Training...


Wow man...sorry to hear...take that Louisville slugger and put in some work, although attempted murder might not be the way to go...leave her, a whoop his a$$

Umm maybe he meant BEFORE you went for the tournament? :p lol Anyway dump that bitch

probably her dad just wants to get it out of your mouth if you've already had sex with his daughter.. he just asked the wrong question.. just think positive :) aaa im just kidding.. she's a bitch.

SkardeyKat 3

"Well, sir, apparently your daughter is a cheating ***** because I was out of town last weekend. I'll leave you to tend to your little hussy. Good luck with that."

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

Are you ******* serious? (Not questioning you, just a "wtf" moment)

UrCapsLockOn 12

that means he won't kill u .. That a good thing right .. O wait .. SHIT !!!!

jobsman99 0

Assume she missed you over the weekend and had her favorite vibrator out working on her clit and had a great ****** thinking if you. Ask her about it, if she says "no I was f'ing someone else" then dump her.