By Kaeyne - 24/03/2009 15:41 - United States

Today, I had an elaborate plan to ask this girl to Prom, and it was going to take a few minutes to set up. I asked my friend to distract her. He decided to distract her by asking her to Prom. She said "Yes". FML
I agree, your life sucks 281 189
You deserved it 47 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments


if he knew you were about to ask her that same thing, then dude is a total cockbite... get new friends man, fyl indeed...

sunny_fml 0

a guy asked me to his prom, in a different state, through text message. i said yes. seriously, girls dont normally have more than maybe one or two guys ask them to prom if they're lucky, you should have just asked her cuz she probably would have said yes if you're not too much of a creeper.

and I also second part2 of what vox said "Believe it or not, sometimes just asking things like that, without going into elaborate schemes and plans, actually works! I recommend you try it sometime -- an overly elaborate plan is almost bound to fail."

Can anybody explain to me why, if the friend was already planning on asking the girl to the dance (which is more likely than not), he should have dropped everything because someone else told him he wanted to ask her? Why does he have to be the pushover?

effthis 0

hes not a good friend.. if that ever happens to me im gonna kick his ass.. cuz he knows that ur gonna ask her out, but he did instead.. thats a dick move on his part

twindaddy 0

Dude, that sucks for you, but I laughed my ass off when I read that.

skullshogun 0

dude, no lie. hes an ass. What kind of a douche "distracts" the girl by ruining your plan. Im sorry, people like that grind my gears.

vividahlin 0

#15.... you can't falcon punch someone in the face. then it's not a falcon punch. also, did you tell your friend "distract her so i can set this thing up to ask her to prom" or just "distract her for a minute"? because if he didn't know why he was distracting her......... i don't blame him.

alex_vik 0

Your friend knows how it works, and you don't.

Anonymus101 4

Slash his tires the night of the prom, then you can bring your car to her when he doesn't arrive and bam, steal the date.