By superpissed - 07/12/2016 13:07 - United Kingdom - Solihull

Today, I went for a trial shift somewhere perfect for me to work. I knew loads about the place and how they worked. The trial shift went really well. Not even 2 hours after my shift, they rung to tell me I'd lost out to someone who swore at a customer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 390
You deserved it 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Adding more ******* swearing to your every day, shit-hole conversations, is actually pretty goddamn therapeutic.

Sometimes, you've got to go the extra mile and add some dirty talk if requested by the customer.


Sometimes, you've got to go the extra mile and add some dirty talk if requested by the customer.

You would think somebody doing a trial shift as a dominatrix would understand that.

Adding more ******* swearing to your every day, shit-hole conversations, is actually pretty goddamn therapeutic.

tounces7 27

I guess you didn't do enough research - clearly, they treat their customers like dirt and you didn't realize it.

mariri9206 32

What's the name of this magical place where you can swear at customers? And can I apply cause I know of a customer or two I'd love to be able to tell off? lol

That sucks so much.. But on the bright side the owners were probablly idiots, so u don't want to work for them

I would've inquired as to why they chose mr.swear over you. You might discover that your performance wasn't necessarily as good as you thought. Or the owners are idiots that can't comprehend basic things like good customer service. Either way, its better if you ask, so you know for the future.