Who knows?

By lilyann - 24/12/2020 08:01 - United States - San Jose

Today, the entire back room of Walmart smelled like cat piss. No one else complained, as they all claimed they couldn’t smell a thing under their masks. I, on the other hand, have a headache and nausea from the overpowering scent despite my mask. FML
I agree, your life sucks 893
You deserved it 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

do you have a cat? are you sure it's not you?

GoogieWithers 22

Have you tried using another mask?


do you have a cat? are you sure it's not you?

GoogieWithers 22

Have you tried using another mask?

GoogieWithers 22
wysegirl 24

sounds like it is your mask if it is that powerful and no one else is complaining. good luck op

fuckourlivesamiright 6

have you drank cat piss recently

wrenavery90 12

Are you positive it's not you?