By pixie09 - 08/11/2010 20:43 - United States

Today, I got sentenced to 20 hours community service for having a boy in my room an hour after floor hours. If I don't do the community service, I could get kicked out of the dorm and put on probation at my college. We were breaking up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 445
You deserved it 11 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's college they need to stop treating you like little kids.

This fml confuses me :/ Why would a college be able to sentence you to community service?


Suaria 38

Do you go to a religious school? I looked at Pepperdine University and they had floor hours since it seemed to be a very religious Christian school. The school I ended up going to doesn't have this at all and they have a very loose policy of guest sleeping over.

I'm 14 and currently I have over 100 hours over 2 years because I volunteered don't ******* whine

I agree it's college and they need to stop treating us like kids, but the way a lot of college kids act these days makes em need to be treated like kids.