By why yes, I do mean "ex-boyfriend" - 17/08/2013 22:40 - Netherlands - Oosterwolde

Today, I got sent home early because a large fire broke out at work. I was greeted by the sight of my cocktard of a "boyfriend" making out on my sofa with another woman. He actually had the audacity and brass balls to claim he thought she was me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 693
You deserved it 4 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's an absolute idiot. Break up with that jerk.

He'll need those brass balls for the kicking you should give him


dreaasalazar 5

Donkeys are noble animals and do not deserve to be classified with her cocktard bf.

ViviMage 38

You mean ex-boyfriend? They go to your house to make out!? That is inexcusable! (Less you cohab with him)

30 - Yes, they do mean ex-boyfriend. That's why OP's name is "why yes, I do mean "ex-boyfriend"".

ViviMage 38

I'm using an app that doesn't show the entire name!

Once again.. You can tip your phone to the side so that it shows the full name.

thatgirlincali 13

And this children is why you don't cheat, you will get caught.

There are many other reasons not to cheat

I'm so sorry that you found out that way, OP, however I was glad to see your username. Certainly appropriate to say the least.

Tell him to get a refund, she clearly wasn't a good impersonator.

Love the username OP, glad you had the strength to kick his cheating, lying butt to the curb.

Haha thought it was you that is a very stupid excuse

He doesn't deserve a swift kick in the sack, he could turn you in for sexual harrassment