By Anonymous - 24/01/2017 22:00

Today, I got reverse suspended for correcting my teacher. Now my mom has to go to all my high school classes with me for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 049
You deserved it 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sohigh10 34

As a parent, I'd be outraged that the school is wasting mine and everyone else's time just because a teacher's ego is bigger than their brain.

stumbleina 0

Your mom should straight refuse to do this. What a waste of time.


sohigh10 34

As a parent, I'd be outraged that the school is wasting mine and everyone else's time just because a teacher's ego is bigger than their brain.

stumbleina 0

Your mom should straight refuse to do this. What a waste of time.

Usually suspension means that the student is banned from school property for however many days. They're supposed to spend it at home being punished by the parents. But so many people can't or don't uphold their side of the punishment that it isn't very effective. So reverse suspension seems to be the parent has to come to school with the student to be punished.

My school called this in-school suspension. Never, ever have I heard of a parent needing to be present. WTF makes them assume a mother doesn't have work/her own damn life?

I've heard of in-school suspension, which is being allowed in the building, but not able to attend class, but this is new to me.

an old friend of mine in high school had to have his mom come in. Idk why, but I think they do this so the kid behaves and it's also like an embarrassing thing to have your mom with you all day. In school suspension is where you sit in a classroom all day and you get a couple bathroom breaks, but you eat lunch in said room. basically you're a prisoner. so you do homework or whatever you gotta do to get through the day.

When they pay my salary for the week and get my employer to buy into my absence from the workplace then I'll consider it. Until then it's their responsibility to teach and control the children in the classroom. What the student did does not Warrant his suspension let alone the disruption of my job. If they want the child to learn or it from their conflict have them write an essay on alternate dispute resolution

KingAdrock 16

From what I understand the parent attending is not mandatory, they're simply invited to do so. The reasoning seems to be that what high school student would ever want their mommy or daddy following them around at school?

I don't know, for entire week might be pushing it, but reverse suspention is a real thing.

This one should have been saved for April 1st!

Oh, shit! You're going to find out how much smarter your mom is than you. Ouch!

Is this a new policy? I corrected my English teacher in high school for teaching incorrect grammar rules and I never got in trouble for it.

Many high school teachers get mad if you do it and consider it getting an attitude. If you defend yourself, that's talking back

It was explained both in the FML by OP, and again by a commenter.