By this guy - 21/11/2013 05:27 - United States - Alhambra

Today, I got rejected by a girl I wasn't even trying to ask out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 429
You deserved it 4 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow OP, you got friendzoned without even going for it. Impressive.


She sounds like the type of girl that thinks that she is so pretty, every guy wants to date her. I always imagine these kind of people to stay single.

I hate ppl like that lol.. She must definitely be full of herself and I bet she ain't even that good lookin

Truth be told, I was in the same shoes as this girl when I was in high school. I used to think to myself, "If he's taking the time just to acknowledge my presence, surely I must be interesting to him!" It wasn't even a conceitedness issue; on the contrary, I had self-confidence problems and a severe inferiority complex, and getting attention from anyone raised my infinitesimal hopes of making friends. Needless to say, it didn't work in my favor, and I gave up on meeting new people. That is, until I went to college; it's incredibly easy (and almost forced) to meet people then.

Sophie_Hart 9

Lemme guess.....OP did you just say 'hi' to her and she misunderstood that as 'i wanna f*ck you'.......... mannnn this gurl has some issues.

Sounds like she secretly has the hots for you

Just out of spite, follow her home, wait until she goes out, then cover every last square centimeter of surface inside her house with pictures of your genitalia. Keep this up for at least a week at the absolute minimum. If all goes to plan, hilarity should ensue.

I can't think of even a single way that could horribly backfire.

I would have loved to know what she could have possibly been thinking