By spekledworf - 02/05/2011 21:30 - United States

Today, I got pulled over. Suspicious that I'd been drinking, the police officer made me walk a straight line and recite the alphabet. I failed both. I was completely sober. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 289
You deserved it 26 517

spekledworf tells us more.

spekledworf 18

i had a panic attack and started to stutter out of nervousness, and just said **** it and gave up


memily63 12

and you're obviously just an asshole

So you took a test and figured out you're retarded.

Because of my hobby (solving the rubik's cube both sighted and blindfolded) I taught myself to say the alphabet in any order (forwards, backwards, skipping every other letter, only vowels, etc) from any starting position. it helps me a lot when driving drunk.

Did you know that it is unnatural for a human to walk in a straight line without a fixed point to guide them?

mellyYaYo 0

can't they give you a breathalyzer too.... then they would know you weren't drunk, duhhhh!

GoArmy6624 7

ydi for not paying attention in school.

I literally cannot say the alphabet backwards worth anything and I trip over my own two feet like every minute, I'd so fail drunk tests..

WTF who is this dumb, I understand nerves can get to u but this extensive?? I don't think so