By spekledworf - 02/05/2011 21:30 - United States

Today, I got pulled over. Suspicious that I'd been drinking, the police officer made me walk a straight line and recite the alphabet. I failed both. I was completely sober. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 289
You deserved it 26 517

spekledworf tells us more.

spekledworf 18

i had a panic attack and started to stutter out of nervousness, and just said **** it and gave up


tcrunit 0

It's not your fault your a dumb ass blame your parents

AllyJoeBob 0

Don't worry. I'd probably end up doing the same thing. ;)

fadelio22 2

Why didn't you ask for the breath analyzer op

sobriety tests are designed so you fail no matter what. they're mindfucks

spartanfan68 0

this is fake they have breathalyzers for that now

i feel like this would happen to me cause 1) im a crazy driver, 2) id get nervous and forget a letter, and 3) im pigeon toed. it's okay :)

OP must have eaten paste and failed kindergarten gym too