By Steve97 - 13/07/2015 04:15 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I woke up and texted my girlfriend, "Good morning" like I do everyday. She responded with, "I'm dating somebody else". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 435
You deserved it 2 253

Steve97 tells us more.

Steve97 32

Hey this is OP. I didn't know this got posted until looking at the new fml's. This happened this weekend a few days after my birthday no less. Part of it is my fault I've been working hard doing two jobs to save up enough money to hopefully move in with her someday. But this left me with barely little time to spend with her and she took it as me losing interest in her so she started dating someone else without me knowing and I didn't find out until she admitted it hours after I texted her. I still talk to her and she does feel terrible but whatever. Thanks to everyone for the support and I'm just taking it one day at a time now.

Top comments

Wow, sorry that happened OP. She's definitely not worth your time.


Hopefully you either broke up with the bitch or killed whoever she was "dating"

I believe she pretty much initiated the break up by saying she is dating someone else. Why the hell would they kill the person she is dating?! They didn't have anything to do with it. This is her fault not the other guys. Go see a therapist for that remark.

He doesn't have to kill anybody. The other guy don't owe him a thing they don't knkw each other probably. The ex however is a bitch.

Guess I assumed the other person knew about their relationship.

Wow, sorry that happened OP. She's definitely not worth your time.

Hang on there, that text might have been meant for someone else. Women in a relationship get admirers too.

from the look of it, that was meant for him. she said "I'm dating somebody ELSE"

mds9986 24

What a way to tell somebody.

I'm so sorry. Most of the time breaking up with someone via text message is cowardly, but there is no reason to be a bitchy coward. It may not feel like it now, but you're better off without her.

At least she Honest and direct about it, I hate it when people just beat around the bush and play games

She could have done the break up in a much better way. One of those ways being in person and well, before she started seeing someone else. I hate people who don't have the balls to break up in person. She's just a classic bitch who doesn't seem to actually give a **** about other people's feelings.

mds9986 24

You're supposed to break up BEFORE you date somebody else.

Sounds like she didn't know what she had, OP. You'll find someone better.

We'll that's a bit uncalled for....