By Vandrefalk - 01/03/2012 00:09 - Norway

Today, I got myself an organ donor card, just to feel wanted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 951
You deserved it 5 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontClickOnMe 28

Hey, whatever helps. :) But I hope you really are willing to donate your organs if need be.

Kingdutch 3

Commit a crime, you'll be wanted by lots of people : )


What's better than roses on your piano? Tulips (two lips) on your organ.

1crabbygirl 10

You are dealing with a lot of superficial people in this world, but your approach to loneliness is generous and shows true concern for others. Look for companionship in people slightly older, and I think you 'll find people you can relate to. You are very mature in your thinking, and organ donorship is a beautiful thing to do for your karma.

ImSoEffedUp 10

Woooooooooowwwwww...... U should socialize more or sumthin.... Somebody out there has to need or want u, for something....

You don't need to do that... Your always wanted by someone out there

It's a very generous choice, OP. :D You should be proud.

perdix 29

You do realize that the people who want you wish you were dead? You know, you can donate a kidney while you are still alive. That way, one person will want you, and they might even like you for a few weeks until they realize how horrible or tedious you really are.

xdechellex 0

Hey I know how you feel I've been through that but being an organ donor isnt the way to feel wanted I mean it's great that you are an organ donor but let's see how to put the real you let people in who you know you can trust and if that's no one then find someone you can trust because life is to short to hafta be alone and not feel wanted, people say whatever works and all that stuff but what they don't understand is that your in pain and you feel alone and like noone cares well even though I don't know you I want you to know that I care and the truth of the matter is it only takes one to care to know that your wanted :) and if you want I'll be here to talk go on my profile get my email and shoot me a message I'm always willing to help others feel cared for and wanted and I always mean it ([email protected])

cornielious 1

You have some real issues op

I used to be an organ donor, but then I took an arrow to the kidney. ****, I feel so dirty for doing that.

This is a whole new level of loneliness