By aprilfools22 - 17/08/2011 08:13 - United States

Today, I got my tongue pierced, then went to a pet store. A clerk came up to ask if I needed help. I showed him I already had some fish, and said, "No thanks." He must have thought I was "special," as he bent down and in a baby voice, said "You got fishy? FISHY FISHY FISHY!" while poking the bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 920
You deserved it 12 620

Same thing different taste


I find it pretty hard to believe you sounded a little slow after getting your tongue pierced. No one I've met with a pierced tongue has ever had that problem, including myself. In fact, it's corrected my speech impediment. Maybe you sounded a little slow to begin with.

Just because it didn't happen to you or the people you know doesn't mean it doesn't happen.. I couldn't talk right for about 2 days after getting my tongue pierced. It's just different for everybody, like any piercing.

I couldn't talk at all for about a day after I got my lip pierced, and after that I had an odd sort of lisp for a couple weeks. I can't imagine how much worse it would be with a tongue piercing. However, a friend of mine got snake bites and never had any swelling or issues talking. My point being, as the person above me said, everyone reacts differently.

Now thats what i call service. You really should have thanked him for recognising how mentally handicapped you are...

I know someone who's 'special' and would be very offended if someone talked to her like that....

If I was there somebody would've got cut! :)

RockstarRN 10

He probably knew and used it as a perfect opportunity to make you feel how you look!

Am I the only person here who finds this amusing and wouldn't consider this an FML? Then again, I'm treated as though I'm special needs each day... FISHY~!

Waltman217 0