By aprilfools22 - 17/08/2011 08:13 - United States

Today, I got my tongue pierced, then went to a pet store. A clerk came up to ask if I needed help. I showed him I already had some fish, and said, "No thanks." He must have thought I was "special," as he bent down and in a baby voice, said "You got fishy? FISHY FISHY FISHY!" while poking the bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 920
You deserved it 12 620

Same thing different taste


thisissparta555 0

that right there is a fishy situation...

In every FML.. There is always that one nifty character with a corny pun that makes me laugh for some odd reason ^^. Congratz!! ;D

Hannahrayne 0

I so would have done the same thing.

Egnar 19

You'd think this was would F the clerks life when you than said "am na spethal, kneew tung pierthing"

Why the F*** would he poke the bag? Even if you're "special" you don't poke the bag; his stupid nails may have torn it! Oh, and "you got a fish, you got a fish, you got a fish, hey hey hey hey"

Coccinelle_fml 15

That is exactly what I would do to someone just for fun. :)

And this is why I am not peircing my tongue.