By faye - 14/02/2009 18:43 - United States

Today, I got my license renewed and the woman behind the desk looked at me and said "guess we need to update the weight, huh?". FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 059
You deserved it 6 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have replied, "Guess we need lessons in tact, huh?"

MrsNrmnRckwll 0

I live in the U.S. and don't have a weight on my license. I have never heard of someone's weight being on their license, that's just a waste of time and who the h*ll needs to know YOUR weight.


DACouture 0

You did it to yourself for getting fat

I ******* hate people who post shit like this. "Today, my boyfriend said he didn't like my new dress. FML" ...then said it would look better on the floor and then we made love passionately, and he proposed. Tell the whole ******* story, you stupid piece of shit.

Well actuallu makes it easier for police to Identify YOU from say an identity thieve... Or if your wanted etc etc etc...

hi_whats_up 0

Omg thats such a rude thing to say! We dont have weights on the licences, why?, Coz NZ is decent enough to know its personal lol! and maybe u've lost weight :D just think of it like that!

not the best idea till after your holding the lisence

Omg maybe she meant that u lost weight????? She is not saying your fat just that weight has changed!!! God!!! Stop being so melodramatic!!!

Everyone has their weight in their license.

bonneh 0

No they don't, depends where you are from.