By Anonymous - 21/04/2012 14:50 - United States - Cabin John

Today, I got home from work to find my boyfriend sobbing hysterically over the death of his cat. The only cat he could be talking about is the one on his Sims account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 190
You deserved it 3 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jakesterk96 8

Still a better love story than twilight.


Lol, that is just sad. And I mean your boyfriend crying over a simulated cats death, not the cat dying.

I was sad when my sims cat died too, but I got over it within 5 minutes.

VioletRaven1 8

With pets just b4 they die I think should I let this one go or save it in either create a sim or something

flashback.miss 28

Simply pitiful. And, over the Sims no less...

Wow I would seriously consider finding someone more mature

*Cough *Cough *Shallow woman *Cough Sorry, my allergies are acting up again.

jessenya 8
fiona_purple 3