By APetsPet - 05/10/2009 19:23 - United States

Today, I got an email from the company that manages my cat's microchip informing me that I had to update my information that had been entered by the local Humane Society. Apparently, they listed my cat "Coral" as the owner, and me as the pet. To change it, they needed the cat's signature. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 442
You deserved it 4 441

Same thing different taste


jdkfgkjdfb 0

This gets favorited, definitely!

FYL. Either they're idiots, or they want your cat's pawprint-- Which still makes them idiots [:

That's not even FYL, dude, your cat isn't a legal citizen. That means that he can't own you.

Cats own their people, it's not the other way around.

YES totally got the Life of Pi joke :D i actually just finished the book the other day...

LMAO This is THE funniest thing I have ever heard. Thank you for making my day

rafaelaugusto94 0

I would kill the cat and terminate all contracts