By APetsPet - 05/10/2009 19:23 - United States

Today, I got an email from the company that manages my cat's microchip informing me that I had to update my information that had been entered by the local Humane Society. Apparently, they listed my cat "Coral" as the owner, and me as the pet. To change it, they needed the cat's signature. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 442
You deserved it 4 441

Same thing different taste


You only think that you own your cat, the cat knows better


Are they going to steal your kitties identity? (;

PigeonMan_fml 0

Only Floridiots would make a cat sign a form of any sort.

lyfesukz 0

i hope u have one smart kitty

This is as it should be! Everyone knows cats own their humans :D

quantum_insanity, too true (: Love this FML :D

0_o what is this world coming to.......lmao whatever that is though it's pretty freaking funny.

if your cat is like mine and expects you to be at his or her beck and call, then technically your cat does own you.