By APetsPet - 05/10/2009 19:23 - United States

Today, I got an email from the company that manages my cat's microchip informing me that I had to update my information that had been entered by the local Humane Society. Apparently, they listed my cat "Coral" as the owner, and me as the pet. To change it, they needed the cat's signature. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 442
You deserved it 4 441

Same thing different taste


*shrugs* As a cat owner, that sounds about right.

oh my goodness, same thing happened to me!!! but they can't even spell my cat's name right :/

triplethreat13 0

I would pay money to be in your situation. Honestly, that's fricken hilarious!

If you really have a cat, you know this is not incorrect.

ahahaha, thank you, this made me lol real hard. that's so effed up its hilarious.

This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside- I mean, that's madd grimey yo

I just seriously laughed so hard. I know that this can be easily fixed because it is not your fault but that's hilarious! Definatly NOT an FML or YDI. More like MLIA ? :D please comment me belowVVVVV