By Username - 03/08/2011 14:33 - United States

Today, I got an anonymous letter, stating my condo's community and all my neighbors can hear me having sex. Not only that, but kids gather around my window to listen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 688
You deserved it 37 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

right when your about to cum you should scream "I ****** HATE MY NEIGHBORS" followed by the sounds of your bed hitting a wall


eminemchick 19

do it louder just to piss them off;)

This is why me and my significant other always use a gag apple

I bet they were jackin off too loud and it sounded like two people in there.

iLOLatURpain69 7

They never said you have to stop!

Next time take a bow out the window after you're done, and tell them when the next show is scheduled to begin.

tylersign 11

They're just trying to learn.....

You got to have your significant other bang you against the window. That will keep the kids entertained for awhile; or you could do my favorite, and have a blood orgy. That would keep them away for awhile.

je_suis_fml 11
sourgirl101 28

55, what if it's only the OP making the sex noises? And the show must go on!

CookieMonstr19 0

Umm....why is yr sex so loud!!

jwells4 0

Lol. 130 your sex life must suck.

flockz 19

right when your about to cum you should scream "I ****** HATE MY NEIGHBORS" followed by the sounds of your bed hitting a wall

abceasyas123abc 12

You must be getting satisfied on a very regular basis if they had to write you an anonymous note about it..

blakrhynes 0

Quiet down a little and buu curtains

Why would you thumb this down...? I'm interested as well. maybe they'd even let me hop in ;)