By Guilpie - 29/01/2017 16:00 - Germany - Heidelberg

Today, I politely asked our overweight neighbour to park on her side of the garage. Three unsuccessful tries later, she drives out and parks on the street in a huff, and I'm now the world's biggest bastard because she can't legally park on her side and still open her door due to her size. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 428
You deserved it 744

Same thing different taste

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You're not a bastard. Your side of the garage is your property, you are perfectly within your right to tell her to move. If her weight makes some things difficult, she should know she's going to have to compromise sometimes. This is her problem, not yours.

All you need to do is hang an object from a string hanging from the garage ceiling to guide your neighbor into proper spot. You'd be the world's biggest bastard if that object was a donut.


You're not a bastard. Your side of the garage is your property, you are perfectly within your right to tell her to move. If her weight makes some things difficult, she should know she's going to have to compromise sometimes. This is her problem, not yours.

UserError94 18

Why can't she just reverse In or vice Versa?

Sady_Ct 37

Agreed. This is not your fault and you don't deserve this.

It's your property, just tell her that compromises need to be made.

ohsnapword 21

I fail to see how your neighbor being fat is your problem.

All you need to do is hang an object from a string hanging from the garage ceiling to guide your neighbor into proper spot. You'd be the world's biggest bastard if that object was a donut.

zeffra13 31

It's not that she can't drive into her spot, it's that she can't open the door wide enough to get out of the car from that parking place. She probably has the right side of the garage so her door opens to a wall (since they're in Germany so driver's side is on the right).

I'm thinking there would be a precise placement where she could stay on her side and get the door open. She'd need the hanging donut to guide her into that exact position. Plus, she'd get a donut as a reward.

Dirtysalamander1 13

Drivers side in Germany is left. But of course, the wall might be the problem.

She shouldn't be parking in your side. You should never feel bad for speaking up for yourself. If you feel bad for her though, maybe the two of you can make an agreement of sorts to switch parking spots?

Or she could reverse in so her door was in the middle of the garage - then she could get the passenger side really close to the wall and give her door even more room

this might result in her car door hitting his car when she tries to get out

She shouldn't be parking in your side. You should never feel bad for speaking up for yourself. If you feel bad for her though, maybe the two of you can make an agreement of sorts to switch parking spots?

Learn to back in then or loose some weight.

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Here we have a fine example of a triggered SJW. Let's not fat shame anyone. Let's just yell at thin people for being thin.

I am not yelling at them for being thin. I am yelling because we have no idea why they are fat. So how can you say to lose weight when you don't even know why they are fat or if they even can lose weight.

Mathametic 14

If they have mental issues and they use eating as a form to cope, then it's their own fault for being fat, go find some other way to cope. You can't blame it on the mental issue, it's not forcing you to eat, have some willpower. If they have physical issues that prevent them from training, you can still perfectly lose weight by watching your food, dieting isn't hard. I don't know enough about medicine side effects to confirm/deny it, but I doubt that there is any medicine that will cause you to gain enough weight to be unable to get out of a car like a normal person, this of course assuming that it's just the medicine, not the person eating horrible shit next to their medicine.

Y'all are dicks. Not the original comment, but the rest of you. Theres no reason to bitch so much about this comment, but theres also no reason to insult the neighbour. Quite often, being obese is caused by a mental disorder. Its not something they can control; its the same idea as anorexia, with the opposite coping mechanism. She can definitely get help and fix it, but it isnt her fault. Besides, OP asked her to stop parking there and she did. Theres no reason to insult her for that.

People are bitching because the Tumblrins SJW crowd is notorious for attacking anyone that won't pander to "oppressed" people. Internet users are sick of it and possibly overreacted. This woman could have a mental or physical disability that prevents her from losing weight.... or she could simply be too lazy to stop shoving food in her face and exercise. If you can't get out of your own car without a fight something is either seriously wrong or you need a larger vehicle.

WinPoe 3

Medicine can make you gain weight. I had a medication that messed with my hormones and caused me to gain 10 pounds before we caught it and made changes to the right dose. Sometimes you don't have the luxury of not taking it. That is still not Op's fault and his neighbor will have to make the appropriate changes herself to be able to park and get out of her car.

I'm not trying to say it's ops fault or problem, I'm talking about all the commentors saying she should lose weight, or otherwise being a dick about her being fat. My issue here is not with the op, but with the people commenting.

All she has to do is to park backwards. Then, the door is on the other side.

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