By ineedanewjob - 09/04/2009 00:34 - United States

Today, I got all my co-workers motivated. We were all going to quit and walk out the door. I went first. I gave an emotional speech to my boss and threw my uniform to the ground. Then I turned around to to see the rest follow, they all began laughing. They didn't. They WANTED me to quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 033
You deserved it 36 221

Same thing different taste

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Rule of thumb: Never be the first to 'walk out'. If you don't like your job, man up and tell your boss you're quitting instead of looking like an asshole and inconveniencing him.

Yep, maybe they were all nodding about hating their job and agreed because YOU ARE THE REASON they don't like coming to work.... You quit, they are happy.


Rule of thumb: Never be the first to 'walk out'. If you don't like your job, man up and tell your boss you're quitting instead of looking like an asshole and inconveniencing him.

A true FML. It sucks when people back out on something that is meant to go as a team.

YDI, if you ever get a job again do not be such an idiot.

zachattack 0

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Yep, maybe they were all nodding about hating their job and agreed because YOU ARE THE REASON they don't like coming to work.... You quit, they are happy.

i was torn whether your life is effed or you deserved deserved it for being imature and fyl because nobody backed you up,...i clicked fyl

Who cares! You hate your job. You quit, they didn't, you're happy, they're happy, everyone is happy. So not really FYL.