By ineedanewjob - 09/04/2009 00:34 - United States

Today, I got all my co-workers motivated. We were all going to quit and walk out the door. I went first. I gave an emotional speech to my boss and threw my uniform to the ground. Then I turned around to to see the rest follow, they all began laughing. They didn't. They WANTED me to quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 030
You deserved it 36 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rule of thumb: Never be the first to 'walk out'. If you don't like your job, man up and tell your boss you're quitting instead of looking like an asshole and inconveniencing him.

Yep, maybe they were all nodding about hating their job and agreed because YOU ARE THE REASON they don't like coming to work.... You quit, they are happy.


I feel the show "The Office" has elevated office pranks. Congratulations, you are a victim of televised humor.

Next time your job sucks, try unionizing instead.

Soo... is there anyone there at your old job that you *hadn't* pissed off? Doesn't mean you're bad. They could all be stoopid, and you could have been the only one to realise the boss was an asshole. Or...

sunshyne84_fml 0

I agree with #11 What's the problem? Why do u need them to quit with you?

YDI. Most people hate their jobs, doesn't mean you just walk out. Unless everyone there hated you and didn't hide it in which case quit your job, move and stop pissing people off wherever you go.

If I were you, I wouldn't put your now ex-boss on your list of contacts in your resume. YDI and FYL

I would go back in time for a do-over if I were you.

#4, you're thinking of a guild, which are actually good things. Unions are government run. Learn your terms.

you should have capitalized ME instead of wanted. but ya that hella sucks

This reminds me of... "We're going streaking! Yeeah!"