By Anonymous - 18/08/2012 00:20 - United States

Today, I got a phone call out of the blue from a young man, who screamed that he was going to kill me for sleeping with his fiancée. I told him I am a 49-year-old man who hasn't been laid since my wife passed away, four years ago. He stammered, shouted "Well she was a slut too" and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 538
You deserved it 1 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor OP. Sorry your wife had to die so relatively early.

Tweet his number. I'm sure you could get a bunch of kids to prank call him. Revenge is sweet


lexiieeex3 32

So sorry OP. The guy's a dick.

You uh need to get laid. I'm sorry about your wife:(:(

pcentral 17

Young people these days... Tsk tsk

surfergirl72 7

I'm so sorry for your loss and for having to deal with that POS. Karma takes her time, but she's worth it!

Sympathies, OP. Hard enough to deal with loss without an out-of-the-blue crazy calling like this.

The caller and Bill O'rielly are contestants for the ultimate asshole award.

Awww, thats terrible.. People like that are assholes to begin with... No wonder his gf fooled around on him... But, They both deserve one another...