By AllyK_shawol - 09/03/2016 18:55 - United States - Midland

Today, I received a full tuition scholarship to my ideal university in the mail. This would be perfect, except I sent an email to the college 2 days earlier, informing them that I couldn't attend because of financial concerns. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 240
You deserved it 2 168

AllyK_shawol tells us more.

hi OP here again. cost of living is not included in the scholarship at all. no it is not more than the tuition of course but it is still sadly too much. for the field i am going into, i will end up getting a doctorate degree so going to a CC would not be a wise choice at all.

Top comments

I agree with #1. Besides, even it is not related to your email, you can always contact them again to say you changed your mind due to the new happy situation. It's only 2 days.

Could this not be related to the email?


Could this not be related to the email?

Goddamn, how fast is the post in your neck of the woods?

2 days is fast enough to get mail anywhere in the continental us. Especially overnighted.

no it was postmarked a few days before i sent the email

I agree with #1. Besides, even it is not related to your email, you can always contact them again to say you changed your mind due to the new happy situation. It's only 2 days.

Email them again and tell them that your financial situation has been resolved.

CALL!!! Don't email. This is far too urgent!!

A follow up email is all this one takes, so: excellent news, OP! You deserve it! (Are we allowed to use that button to offer congratulations?)

Call the college and speak to admissions. I'm sure once you explain the situation things can be resolved. Good luck OP!

chill99 15

Yes, definitely call! You will get better and faster results than with an email.

They may have not processed your information. If your uni is anything like mine then you have pleeeeenty of time.

made me think of zootopia with the sloths

Maybe that's why gave you the scholarship???

no it was postmarked considerably before i sent the email

It's not too late to email them informing them that you have received this. Emails are instant, snail mail is just that - snail mail.

ohsnapword 21

Just smile and accept the scholarship.