By boredtothemax - 17/02/2016 19:17 - United States - Hammond

Today, I gave a talk in my management class about creating effective presentations and holding people's attention. Go figure, pretty much nobody paid any attention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 178
You deserved it 3 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but I've found that when the presenter can't hold the audiences attention, it's usually their own fault. Good luck next time and take this as an oppurtunity to improve your own skills.

Seams like you need a few more of these meetings.


You can try making the sessions more interactive next time .

If it's not practical, then what you're teaching is flawed...

Did you read off the slides? Never read off the slides! You'll lose them every time

Oh the irony... Sorry about that OP. Maybe you need to make the presentations more interactive and fun for your audience? Good luck.

To be fair, majority of presentations are boring. Especially if the subject matter is boring and uninteresting, as yours was. Listening to somebody talk for that long is hard no matter what they're saying. The mind just tends to wonder.

Nightingale1429 15

Next time, when they ask if their source is a primary source, just say yes. Later say you were wrong and refuse to change it.