By pottyhostage - 08/11/2010 21:26 - Sweden

Today, I freaked out when I couldn't get my bathroom door open. After ten minutes of panic when thinking about how I'd be stuck there for at least 8 hours until my roommate would get home, and another five mentally going over survival skills, I realized that I had forgotten to unlock the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 882
You deserved it 45 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao! You fail. :) But s'all good.. we all have those kind of moments at some point in our lives 0:-)


THIS MADE LAUGH SOOOO HARd!!! right on ya mate lol

those are quite the survival skills you possess, step 1 check if unlocked finally lol

xXx_Omjh_xXx 0

Only one way to describe this... RETARDED :)

miss2kute31 0

Survival skills? Like if I need water turn the faucet on? Like if I need to go to the bathroom, I'm already here? Sounds life threatening to me.

Suaria 38

Why would you need to go over survival skills? A person can last without food or water for 8 hours.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Not to mention if you're in the bathroom you obviously have access to water, so yeah...