Sprain in the ass

By Anonymous - 04/07/2021 16:02

Today, after two months of recovering from a sprained ankle, the doctor told me I was fully healed. On the way to my car from the doctor's, I stepped on some leaves, which were covering a small hole. A hole big enough for me to trip on and give me another sprained ankle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 999
You deserved it 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ambrily 27

Good for you if where you live the streets and sidewalks are all in good conditions. OP didn't specify where they were walking, but my first thought was they were in a parking lot, so on a street kind of terrain. Believe me, I've seen places where walking on a road or a sidewalk is way more dangerous that walking in the grass.


Sorry for your accident! It was an office. I am sure it had sidewalks. Stay on the sidewalk when there is one instead of cutting across the lawn. Not only will that save you from future accidents it will help preserve other people’s lawns.

Ambrily 27

Good for you if where you live the streets and sidewalks are all in good conditions. OP didn't specify where they were walking, but my first thought was they were in a parking lot, so on a street kind of terrain. Believe me, I've seen places where walking on a road or a sidewalk is way more dangerous that walking in the grass.