By DaycareMama92 - 28/04/2017 16:00

Today, I fractured a bone in my foot by dropping a shampoo bottle on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 276
You deserved it 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's lather, rinse, repeat, OP, not lather, rinse, drop on your feet. I can see where the confusion came from though, those darn rhymes :p

Lobby_Bee 17

Their fault! They didn't put a "caution, slippery when wet" label on the bottle. I think you should lawyer up.


It's lather, rinse, repeat, OP, not lather, rinse, drop on your feet. I can see where the confusion came from though, those darn rhymes :p

Oh come on now, you've got to be able to come up with something better than that!

hope the shampoo leaves your hair as strong as the box it was in

Lobby_Bee 17

Their fault! They didn't put a "caution, slippery when wet" label on the bottle. I think you should lawyer up.

Hamstermomma 1

Don't feel so bad. I fractured my foot while pooping.

Alup132 22

You know what they say, don't drop the soap!

species4872 19

At least you didn't fracture your foot by trying to get it out of your mouth.