By Aryah - 17/12/2016 16:43 - United States - Irving

Today, I found out why the temps were not invited to the company Christmas party. The company paid for the regular employees to go to a nice restaurant, gave them nice presents, and handed out substantial bonuses. They keep telling me they can't hire me on because the company can't afford it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 343
You deserved it 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It costs a lot more than just salary to keep a full time employee. If 10 employees who get paid $50k salary got $10k each as a bonus, not giving them bonuses would be just about enough money to hire one more full time person with benefits. But doing that pisses off 10 employees by screwing them out of a bonus, and only makes one employee happy to be on full time. The way they opt to do it, one temp is pissed off and 10 employees are chuffed with the extra cash. Know what chuffed employees do? Work harder and perform better. It's just Socioeconomics.

Now you know the truth: They can afford to hire you full-time, they just don't want to. Merry Christmas!!


Now you know the truth: They can afford to hire you full-time, they just don't want to. Merry Christmas!!

Sorry, but you should be thankful you even have a job. The regular employees should not be punished. You were hired as a temp, and there doesn't seem to be a contract of becoming a regular employee. Also, if you were an outstanding temp you would have been offered a chance to become one. Keep looking and perhaps have a better attitude.

It costs a lot more than just salary to keep a full time employee. If 10 employees who get paid $50k salary got $10k each as a bonus, not giving them bonuses would be just about enough money to hire one more full time person with benefits. But doing that pisses off 10 employees by screwing them out of a bonus, and only makes one employee happy to be on full time. The way they opt to do it, one temp is pissed off and 10 employees are chuffed with the extra cash. Know what chuffed employees do? Work harder and perform better. It's just Socioeconomics.

usnwife 18

Plus hiring a full time employee also has costs like insurance/retirement above the yearly salary too, even those bonuses alone wouldn't cover it...

Unless you always spend every spare cent on other people and never buy even something as small as a pint of ice cream or a 99cent game for yourself, you should understand that the company is using their (probably minimal) extra funds to make sure their regular employees are happy.

It's like none of the commenters understand what a "bonus" is.

I hate when an early commenter makes a comment about how no one else is talking about xyz or understands xyz. There are four whole comments before yours. Let's not comment on a discussion that hasn't really happened yet.

I think the whole 5 other people here currently understand and you do not Since everyone else understands it is a 1 time add on to the person's wage And since that's what the 5 others have said or implied... Im to wonder Wtf you think a bonus is

I agree with #7 that it might be jumping the gun to make any statement about all commenters when there were only 4 others at the time. To answer the question of what #5 thinks a bonus is: I think they are referring to the commenters who have asserted or implied that a bonus is something the full time employees are owed or entitled to. This being opposed to the literal definition, which is "extra", "unexpected" and/or "above and beyond what is owed". Although, I think it is worth noting that some companies decide bonuses based on performance. They call it a "bonus" for tax purposes, when it's really a reward or commission. So not all companies are going by the literal definition.

Well either way you put it it's a bonus It doesn't matter WHY you got the extra money on top of your wage The fact is that it's extra pay that isn't part of your regular wage... So it's a bonus

I agree that it sucks, but end of year bonuses and employee perks are already figured into a company's budget, down to the last dime, department by department, in a massive network of spreadsheet hell. They may be telling you the truth, in that your particular department does not have room in their budget for the 2016 year. But it's also just as possible that they are lying to you just to keep stringing you along, which is an unfortunate and completely legal business tactic in Texas. But Texas is on a huge hiring spree. I strongly recommend you float your resume; having options is the strongest negotiating tool you can have. The fastest career builders are the ones whom always have an ear to the ground and a resume out somewhere.

this may not be the same with you but at my company everything has its own budget. ie salaries, equipment, parties etc. they probably cant afford you, look on the bright side your working.

Well, maybe if they limited their unnecessary expenses, they could actually hire more employees...

cootiequeen4444 11

"Two paths diverged in a Texan Corp and you- You were given the one much less needed, And that has made all the difference."

If the company is giving out large bonuses in the traditional sense (that it's just extra money that was not earned) I'd say FYL. But some companies give bonuses based on performance. They call it a "bonus" for tax purposes, but it's really more like a commission or reward. Your coworkers might just be getting what they worked hard to earn. If that is the case, don't take it personally.