By Jorgen - 18/12/2015 01:45 - United States

Today, at my workplace, $200 checks were given to every employee for how well the corporation was doing. The temps didn't get any. Guess who was the only temp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 816
You deserved it 2 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry but your a temp, get in full with company if you want all the benefits...

ndnpride88 25

Take that as motivation to move up from a temp so when you do you'll get those rewards and bonuses also. You'll appreciate it more for all your hard work


I'm sorry but your a temp, get in full with company if you want all the benefits...

I worked as a temp for 3 years. They did not want to hire full time people. It was not like I WANTED to stay a temp.

Sometimes the company prefers to keep people on temp/zero hour contracts and refuse to employ them perm full time - I was in this situation for few months! Leaving the job was also out of option (not many job opportunities in the area) so it's not always as easy as "just get yourself a perm contract with the employer". Furthermore being temp doesn't mean you don't have to work equally hard to perms - in reality you often have to put much more effort in as you're constantly in fear of becoming unemployed on the spot! And unfortunately employers seem to have more rights than their employees. Fingers crossed for you OP, let's hope you'll be full time perm by the next Christmas so you'll get your bonuses! :)

Thats horrible. Im a temp too and the way the company rips us off is disgusting

Mathalamus 24

I don't think temps should get any benefits. You need an actual job for those.

Do you even know what a temp is? we do the exact same job as other employees just without a permanent contract. Some companies keep you on for almost a year but avoid all the extras by calling you a "temp".

3: being a temp is an actual job. It's actually a hard job because you bounce around in between companies and have to learn their processes and procedures with every new assignment... It's not a permanent position with benefits but it is very much so a job. I once went from a funeral home one week to a news station with 150 switchboard lines. You try that and tell me what you think about being a temp then.

Mathalamus 24

Fune, it's a job then, but, quite frankly, if you are there as a temp and not a real actual job with a contract and all, you deserve no benefits. Just be happy you are paid at all.

When I did temp work, I got a bonus from the temp company I worked through, not from the various companies where they placed me. I currently work full time where I worked part time through school; I didn't get bonuses there while I was part time, but I do now. Temp work isn't ideal, but sometimes it's what's available or suits your schedule. Companies that use as many temps as possible to avoid paying benefits are one thing (and are good to avoid, both as an employee and as a customer), but for most others, it makes financial sense not to give benefits or bonuses to temps who won't be there long-term to contribute to that company's success -- and to make permanent hires of temps who do great work.

KaD6: You obviously have no idea what temps do. Temps are TEMPORARIES! That means they fill in for people when the company needs them to. Like when someone is taking maternity leave; seasonal (Christmas rush); when someone is sick but will return in a week. They help carry the load until the "actual employee" returns. When I was a temp, I did it during the summer when university was out. Temp jobs are real jobs and they provide companies with employees when they need them. Also, most temporary positions come with the possibility of signing on with the company.

ndnpride88 25

Take that as motivation to move up from a temp so when you do you'll get those rewards and bonuses also. You'll appreciate it more for all your hard work

fpants2010 18

Yes that sucks, but I believe that's how it is with every company. Maybe by next year you'll be hired so you can get a slice of the pie :)

Temps get ripped off, even if they've been with the company a while.

To be fair all those employees have spent years at the company and 200 is not a a lot when it comes to a bonus.

It would be to me. The most I've ever received as a Christmas bonus is $100. My current employer doesn't do Christmas bonuses.

How tf do you know this? o.0 You know each employee personally and know how long they've spent there?

You know nothing about the company to make that kind of judgement. My company have $150 bonuses. We have about 500 employees. That's $75,000. We did not have a high earning quarter so that was a lot of money for the company to give out. Companies have to look at the profit margin when considering bonus amounts.

snarkytruth 37

You work for the company supplying the temps. Ask THEM for your bonus. Those workers busted their buts all year or longer to make that company extra money. Tell the human resources you want to be hired permanent . Did part time workers get bonuses? In my line of work the temps are paid a whole lot more than the regular employees - over twice as much and got to walk away to better environments at the end of their contracts. Since they never stay long enough to learn everything about that job or policy and routines less was expected of them. The regular employees did their own job and the slack from the temp. Everyday you're there you are losing that company money. So why should you deserve more from THEM?

Your temps are paid more than your permanent workers? Do they actually count as temps if they have a contract, or as contractors? (In my partner's field, contractors earn more per hour than permanent workers because the contractors get no benefits; they have to pay for their own, including health insurance. I suppose they're technically temporary, but they aren't classified as temps.)

I worked for 5 years as a part time engineering intern as I was going through school. The company I was with did profit sharing and I was the only employee who didn't get to partake, which sucked, but I knew that's how the system worked when I signed on.

That'd cold. The last they could have done was give you a subscription for the jelly of the month club.