By anonymous - 12/02/2010 05:03 - United States

Today, I found out the guy I've been dating is heavily into a mystical card game and spends all of his money going to "Magic" card conventions across the country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 131
You deserved it 28 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So? This isn't a FML. This is you not being accepting of other people's hobbies.

"Some guy I'm not even committed to has a hobby. FML."


MilfieShabukka 0

Dude... Magic: The Gathering is freaking awesome...

Just out of curiosity, why are the majority of people pointing out that in MTG you have the potential to win quite a bit of money? Obviously the girl only cares about money, so I understand that, but why would you want to encourage someone to stay with someone else simply for money? How about this: Dear poster, I understand that you know absolutely nothing about MTG, that much is clear, and it's pretty obvious that it's almost impossible to spend all your money on MTG since there's only so much you can buy (cardwise), unless he has multiple standard, extended, legacy, EDH, etc decks, so on top of being stupid you're exaggerating. Who cares if he spends HIS money on MTG, who cares if he doesn't win the top prizes at tournaments, in all likely hood he could be a genuinely nice, sweet funny guy whom you don't deserve. Oh, and my boyfriend plays MTG and I do as well. We both play ever Friday Night (FNM) and it's a fantastic way for the two of us to spend some time together and hang out with others. Get over yourself because clearly this guy doesn't deserve you because he can do so much better.

Because she was complaining that he was "Spending all of his money" on Magic and going to tournaments. Thus, we were making the (Not far fetched) assumption that she was a shallow bitch, (She assumes it's "mystical" because the name is Magic? Really?) and then shoving facts back in her face.

Completely agree! My boyfriend plays -- as do I -- and it's awesome. I barely spend any money on it; he might spend more, but who cares? It's just a hobby, and a fun one at that! :-D

musiciangirl591 16

my boyfriend and i lives 2 hours apart, the way we bond when we are together is MTG, building decks, testing decks, going out on dates and then playing at the restaurant, playing with his friends, its fun and because we are the nerd couple, its pretty much expected :P

r2010 0 $1,600 for one card. nice. OP, i agree with you. run screaming.

Bitch, please. $2,200 for a pair of shoes.

aj1218 0

I know many PHD engineering students that still play Magic the Gathering...If he has the money to travel around the country for a hobby, then what is the problem, besides OP being a controlling bitch?

r2010 0

yup, 2200 for a pair of shoes. and $30,000 is what cars cost! and, i'm quite sure, if the OP was a man saying 'my girlfriend buys $2,000 shoes and is a golddigger!" we'd all feel sorry for him and agree, the GF is a crazy waster of money. way to prove nothing, #142. oh, and #141, how many of those engineering students travel the country with their loving wives and children? none. because 99% are single and the 1% that are married 'spend every friday night INSIDE playing magic!" oh yeah people. that's a large group of amazing, hot, socially-adept men with amazing and fulfilling social lives. look at all the women! i see... 2! out of 150!

How do you know if they are socially adept from a pic? I see guys in casual clothing, some of whom appear to be playing with their children. To be fair, you can only see 2 women standing up (that does not mean there are not more present,, and one cannot claim with absolute certainty how attractive the men are, as many have their backs turned and others are at too far of a distance to accurately gauge. It also looks like you're seeing but 1/3rd of the room, as this appears to be in a convention center, and it seems that who ever took the picture did not possess the correct lens to pan a wide shot and capture more of what was going on. In the second pic, the guy in the Puma shirt appears to be attractive. SOme of the others are troglodytes, others are average. Not every musician, rock climber, bullrider, poker player or (my favorite hobby, thanks very much) competitive marksman is smoking hot, either. Oh, and incidentally...within our military, many men and women play games such as MTG and D&D, especially when deployed, as their recreational activities are lacking, at best. The pigeonholing is so unnecessary, and really quite boorish.

Pretty sure you could find a bad pic of any group of people of a particular hobby. First page of results for MTG finals. I can't actually find a pic of a fat MTG playing girl if I try. Anyway, if the virtue of a hobby is based on the appearance of some of it's players, how about you post your pic so we can ridicule everyone who shares similar hobbies to you?

Oh, I think he's bitter because a nerd stole his girl or somesuch. Incidentally, he'll probably accuse you of 'shopping that image. Because we all know that women only play magic if they are obese. *eyeroll* It's kind of like where the same dicknozzle lambasted me above because I hold disdain for valentines day and what it represents. That clearly makes me some kind of lonely wallflower, despite the fact that I am blissfully married to a cute guy (that happens to play

mshafty 0

I tend to agree here with #148. While the other poster did find pics of a couple of attractive girls, two, it doesn't take away from the fact that 95% of players are men. Which means MTG is a giant **** fest, which means that game is unappealing to the majority of females!! Probably why the OP isn't super stoked. Also the OP also sounds concerned because her BF spends all his money on his hobby. I don't think its because she wants him to spend it on her. Hell my GF is constantly worried about how much I spend on my hobbies and I spoil her rotten! So all you MTG players relax, the game isn't for everyone and the OP just found out TODAY that her BF spends most of his money on fantasy card playing circuit w/ mostly dudes!

Actually he was saying females who play are fat. And just btw, this is the top female player. At any rate, I think the OP would be more upset if it was a hobby that was predominately for girls, don't you? I mean, football is dominated by men too. It just doesn't really make any sense to say that.

mshafty 0

Wow way to just kill your credibility. Next time you post something remember there is thing called google. That was a picture of Michelle Bush, Miss South Wales 2002, not the considerably less attractive MTG player Michelle Bush!! So you failed! and also my reasoning why OP doesn't like the sound of the MTG player's circuit is because society views it as uncool. I say to each their own and what is cool to some is nerdy to others and vise versa. So if you love MTG that awesome, but more people view it as uncool and weird than those who think its cool. Unlike say football which has more of a following. Most girls don't play it, but plenty like watching it and even more like guys who play it!

Yeah, because you know, us womenfolk only like things that have other women involved mostly. Like shopping for shoes and tupperware parties. This way we can have lesbian sex and compare breast sizes, while discussing the best ways to make sandwiches for our men. You're an idiot. I play Magic because it's a fun way to spend my free time. I couldn't care less what the demographics are. And I'm not trolling tournaments for a boyfriend, since I've got one, and we play together. Just because there's more men then women doesn't mean I'm going to go find a new hobby. Believe me, the penis doesn't intimidate me enough.

I like combining my Tupperware parties and lesbianism, personally. I'm a sucker for efficiency.

We could even play Magic at the lesbian/tupperware parties. It would probably be the best place to be ever.

I think you're correct. Can we wear ridiculously expensive shoes while we're lezzing out over Tupperware and MTG? After all, we are women, so I think we're supposed to spend an obscene amount of cash on shoes....

Of course! I NEED to have $20,000 shoes to match my $10,000 Magic deck, with the $400 sleeves on the cards with a half-naked vampire on them.

WTF! Why the hell is this on FML?! Oh no it's mystical! The cards fell from the sky and his friends made rules for the game to go with the cards. But then the cards came to life, now me and my friends battle other kids around the planet.

No silly, that's Bakugan. Or is it Yu-Gi-Oh? I lose track of what my kid is into these days...

How about not being a snob and let your boyfriend do a fun hobby? I wouldn't want to hang out with you.

bwbabe09 0

LAMEEEEEE. Magic card cames..lmao... :))

magic is the best card game in existance, and you can win a lot of money playing it professionally so back off a little bit