By anonymous - 12/02/2010 05:03 - United States

Today, I found out the guy I've been dating is heavily into a mystical card game and spends all of his money going to "Magic" card conventions across the country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 131
You deserved it 28 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So? This isn't a FML. This is you not being accepting of other people's hobbies.

"Some guy I'm not even committed to has a hobby. FML."


I totally agree. that game is so lame. lol

skyeyez9 24

Maybe ask him to teach you how to play the game? Who knows, you may enjoy it. If you love him, at least try to understand the game somewhat, to try and see it from his perspective. My husband plays xbox MW2 and I thought it was dumb until I tried playing video games. I now enjoy playing xbox (dragon age and assassins creed II) when I have time.

Magic the Gathering is a fun game, quit hating your boyfriend for having a hobby. Jesus.

Heaven forbid your boyfriend have a hobby. Perhaps you should learn to play/enjoy what your SO does? Or just stop being a twat.

bwbabe09 0

PSH don't listen to these fools. Ditch the dummie :)

suesblues 0

What's the big deal? He has a hobby that is safe and legal. And I think it's cool he likes going to the conventions. He gets to see new places, and meet new people who share his interests. Stop being such a witch and maybe he'll take you to the next convention.

I wouldn't consider this to be a FYL. M:TG is really more of a hobby kind of thing (and yes that is buying the cards as well as going to the conventions). If he had a hobby like playing a sport or an instrument, would you still complain? Probably not. But in ay case, it could be worse. He could be a WoW addict. That is far worse. People don't leave their computer for days in some cases.

I wouldn't consider this to be a FYL. M:TG is really more of a hobby kind of thing (and yes that is buying the cards as well as going to the conventions). If he had a hobby like playing a sport or an instrument, would you still complain? Probably not. But in ay case, it could be worse. He could be a WoW addict. That is far worse. People don't leave their computer for days in some cases.

aluminumfalcon 0

Oh no, he has a hobby, how tragic. Get over yourself, bitch.