By doesnttastegood - 01/02/2010 10:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that whilst I was asleep last night, my boyfriend was playing on his XBox. I also found out that whenever he unlocked a new level, achievement or just generally beat someone's ass, he would celebrate by pulling out one of his pubes and putting it in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 120 624
You deserved it 13 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of twisted ritual is that? What compelled him to think that up?

skyeyez9 24

drink lots of prune juice, then fart in his mouth when he's in a deep sleep.


Fr0gg13 0

so is he bald now or does he suck at the xbox?

Are you sure he wasn't teabagging you and his pubes just got stuck there after the fact?

YunqFlyMa21o 0

Eww WTF?? &+ Yhu Let Him Do it.??

you being a Muslim terrorist is disturbing take off that turban dirty paki

ndiesal 0

LMFAO, thanks for making my day. FYL, and ****** up, but still...hahaha

tell him you'd like to help in that ritual and start yanking then.OR shave your own and give him a main course.

that is disgusting you should break up with honestly thats disgusting