By theinfiniteend - 24/08/2016 23:59 - United States - Glen Ellyn

Today, I helped my orchestra teacher out and played with a double quartet for a faculty meeting. When it came time to introduce us, he called out the names of the seven other students and then admitted in front of everyone that he'd forgotten my name. I've been one of his top students for 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 614
You deserved it 876

theinfiniteend tells us more.

Nah, he's not a jerk. I'm not too mad, it was just kinda embarrassing at the time. Anyway the guys always been really forgetful and disorganized, plus he's retiring this year too so I guess I'm not hugely surprised lmao

Top comments

Wizardo 33

That's the treble with music these days. You can be talented but you also have to be rememberable, noteworthy even.

turdontoast 8

Hey, I was my school's top clarinet player for all 8 years I played. Orchestra teacher constantly called me Alexis. Doesn't even sound like Hannah.


Wizardo 33

That's the treble with music these days. You can be talented but you also have to be rememberable, noteworthy even.

chrisbeaudoin 26

Don't fret it op, things will be up to scale soon.

theinfiniteend. Now that doesn't seem like a tough name to remember. FYL, OP.

We're that their actual name I think it would be quite easy to remember that you met a person actually named TheInfiniteEnd.

When I was in band, I was the worse trumpet, but even today-- 2 years later, he still remembers me. What I am saying is that it's easy to remember some people more than others.

Same (well I don't know about the 2 years part). Though in my situation it was because my friends and I were the band troublemakers. Funnily enough though, the band director loved us and would never yell at us, even though he would yell at other people just for talking during rehearsal.

I wouldn't take it too personally, brain farts happen.

turdontoast 8

Hey, I was my school's top clarinet player for all 8 years I played. Orchestra teacher constantly called me Alexis. Doesn't even sound like Hannah.

What an ass. I hate teachers like that that have known you forever but can't get your name right.

I was one of my art teacher's top students. He'd forget my name and call me Dylan. My name is Stephanie.

To be fair, your art teacher probably smelled of reefer.

If it makes you feel any better, it almost certainly made him look way worse than you.

Don't take it personally, OP. I've found out that there are some people who, for no particular reason, tend to get forgotten a lot. Nobody really means to forget about them or leave them out, it just kinda happens. So I'm sure it isn't you. That or your teacher is kind of a jerk. Either way, not your fault.

Nah, he's not a jerk. I'm not too mad, it was just kinda embarrassing at the time. Anyway the guys always been really forgetful and disorganized, plus he's retiring this year too so I guess I'm not hugely surprised lmao

is your orchestra teacher ron swanson? maybe he doesn't want you to get too chummy with him

AviKerensky 17

Maybe he was trying to shame himself into remembering for next time.