By Ouch - 06/03/2017 22:00 - United States - Amelia

Today, I found out that unlike in movies, you really don't know you're shot until you see the gunshot wound. Then, once the adrenaline wears off, it's complete agony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 048
You deserved it 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man, tell me about it! The opposite applies to walking over cliffs. I stepped over the edge of a drop off just the other day and started falling without time to look down, gulp, and give a worried glance to the camera! Those Loony Toon/Warner Bros. bastards lied, dammit!


alternative-facts 6

More info is required! How the heck did you get shot??!! Did they arrest the shooter? I can imagine it's quite excruciating. I hope you're going to be OK and heal fast.

Rookie mistake. Shouldn't have looked at it or you still wouldn't know you'd been shot. ;P

Man, tell me about it! The opposite applies to walking over cliffs. I stepped over the edge of a drop off just the other day and started falling without time to look down, gulp, and give a worried glance to the camera! Those Loony Toon/Warner Bros. bastards lied, dammit!

You're not just going to hold us in suspense, we need a follow up here

I don't have much of a pain tolerance, but I once cut the flesh between of my fingers with a paper cutter. Not sure if I was just plain tired or something, but the pain didn't kick in nor did I notice it bleeding until someone pointed out.

Yep I've been shot too.. it hurts I can agree with that

That sucks. Even more common are people falling down after they realise they've been shot because that's what happens in movies, which is very weird. Depending on where you are shot it's very likely there is no physical reason for you to fall, and people don't, until they look down and realise they've been shot in the stomach let's say and fall over basically because they think that's what's supposed to happen thanks to movies. The brain is strange.

It's probably shock and not movies that makes you fall down when you realize you've been shot.