By fmymouth - 20/08/2015 04:48 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I found out that the motorcycle I paid cash for was an illegal import. My plates are canceled, I have to turn in the bike for it to be destroyed, and the seller has vanished off the face of the planet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 819
You deserved it 4 426

Same thing different taste


hipposteve 21

you learn from these experiences..

Work with your insurance company and your states attorney generals were a victim of fraud so they may be able to help you in recovering some money

Additionally, I wonder why he can't keep it so long as he uses it off road (like racing vehicles)?

koganti 18

where did you bought that bike?

Badkarma4u 17

What was that OP? You got a new stunt bike to practice all of the tricks youve ever wanted to learn on?

Well just keep it as a model or something...the start of your motorcycle collection...


If the seller was an individual, you are probably out of luck. If the seller was a dealer or dealer employee, your state may have a dealer bond requirement that will pay you back - contact the state division of motor vehicles (or equivalent agency).

It's pretty much common sense to check the registration, and the MOT log book if your buying in cash, especially when it's so easy. YDI.

I know, right? Who pays thousands in cash with 0 homework done from "some guy".

I know, I recently bought a motorbike for cash it took me about 2 minutes to check the reg online, and another two minutes to check that the MOT matched with the bike, it's literally two like six digit numbers on the frame and engine.

Should have got a carfax- oh wait.. But really OP, that truly does suck and I hope you didn't lose out on too much money.

Who buys bikes they know are imports without checking them first, from a shady guy with cash? I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you, near mint, cheap. Cash only