Sounds like a scam

By Onlymeiswear - 15/03/2021 05:01

Today, I bought a car. Made a down payment and everything. Have the papers saying it’s mine, only to find out a few hours later it was sold right before I bought it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 966
You deserved it 73

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bobsanction 18

If you bought it from a dealership and they did that you can sue them, because that is very VERY illegal.

Sady_Ct 37

If you have the papers, it’s yours. Does the other person have papers? Call the police otherwise.


Sady_Ct 37

If you have the papers, it’s yours. Does the other person have papers? Call the police otherwise.

bobsanction 18

If you bought it from a dealership and they did that you can sue them, because that is very VERY illegal.

If you have the papers, and have the car, it sounds like an FML for the other party. If you made a down payment without getting those things, then it's a YDI.

What kind of shifty place did you buy it from?

bleachedraven 14

Heck, to me, if I made the down payment already, this car is mine and I'm not going to let a delay get in my way. If it's not in your hands in a week I'd be suing and living on the lap of luxury for the inconvenience.