By walkingisfun - 02/07/2017 20:00

Today, the university bike permit that I'd ordered half a year ago finally arrived. Unfortunately, my bike was stolen months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 832
You deserved it 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you can rest assured that the thief is not authorized to ride that bike on campus. Karma's a bitch, but this time she is working for you;)

Well your university is shit but not as shit as someone that stole a bike. Thieves are the scum of the earth. Also, RichardPencil is not funny. Discuss.


At least you can rest assured that the thief is not authorized to ride that bike on campus. Karma's a bitch, but this time she is working for you;)

Well your university is shit but not as shit as someone that stole a bike. Thieves are the scum of the earth. Also, RichardPencil is not funny. Discuss.

mitolit 12

He literally comments on every single FML with more misses than hits... I find him very annoying.

LeoCor 19

YDI for not locking up your bike correctly