By Anonymous - 22/08/2016 11:49 - Australia

Today, I found out that one of my colleagues believes that aliens built the pyramids. No amount of logical reasoning or evidence has had any effect on his argument of, "but you can't prove they didn't." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 509
You deserved it 1 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Only a fool believes that aliens built the pyramids. They were obviously built by the Illuminati. Why else do you think they're in the shape of a triangle?

"Yes, I can." "Well, then do it. Prove aliens didn't build the pyramids." "I already did. Prove I didn't."


Well you can't prove that humans didn't, either ;p

Just respond with "you can't prove your parents aren't related"

It sounds like it's time to move on!!! Find someone that's more like you!!

Don't forget that it is hs job to convince YOU, not the other way around. You just say, "I'm sorry, but you haven't convinced me," and leave it at that. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.

let me guess, he is also religious ain't he?

You can't fix stupid, just sit back and enjoy the show.

dragoongirl90 34

Why do you care what he believes?

Manual_Manoosy 21