By Anonymous - 09/01/2011 01:11 - United States

Today, I found out that my wife was having sex with my friend. It turned out that my genius cat realized it wasn't me there and attacked his balls, severely cutting them. I now have to kill my cat and pay for his medical bills to sew his balls back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 370
You deserved it 4 162

Same thing different taste


sue him for traumatizing the cat! he's petrified I tell you! he'll never be the same city again!

CodyClews 0


um, I'm pretty sure you don't have to kill your cat over that. pay for the bills, maybe. you can probably get out of that in court too, though since you can argue that the victim was trespassing on your property and committing adultery. but I'm almost positive you don't have to kill your cat.

Get a good lawyer. And fight for the life of the cat!

Let your wife pay, she's the one who brought him in our house. Otherwise, it was our property, is his fault.

princesszeebunny 0

Because animals that are considered dangerous have to be put to sleep.

I live in TX, too, and I seriously don't think you have to put your cat down. There aren't the same kind of laws on cats as there are on dogs. And if he fights you in court, you would probably win, to be honest. But to correct others - the "other man" wasn't trespassing because the wife let him in the house.

perdix 29

In Texas, we have a long tradition of considering a wife's pussy as being her husband's property, and any other man who sticks his dick there is trespassing. That law was only repealed relatively recently, but the sentiment is still around.

Izzati 0

That cat was awesome!! Don't kill him!!! That bastard deserved it!

LeedsFML 0

Someone has already said it, but, I agree.... GET A GOOD SOLICITOR! That prick had no business being in your house (or your wife). Let the solicitor take the adultery case, also...