By beepbeep - 22/08/2018 03:30

Today, after being kicked out of my racist family, my boyfriend and I moved across the country to rent an apartment with my sister. My mother hates us so much she offered to buy my sister a new car to not take us in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 325
You deserved it 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your sister sounds like a decent family member. Assuming she didnt pick the car over you.

you have sacrificed a lot for love. we are with you OP. take care. you are wonderful


you have sacrificed a lot for love. we are with you OP. take care. you are wonderful

The 3 people who downvoted this are heartless bastards...

At least your sister sounds like a decent family member. Assuming she didnt pick the car over you.

It’s sad your mother has so much animosity in her heart. I feel sorry for her just imagining how much life her anger/hatred is robbing her of. I guess some people are just best loved at a distance. Good luck, OP. Don’t let your mother’s hate drag you down.

Or in this moms case, not loved at all. If she’s willing to make her daughter homeless over dating someone of colour or other race, she only deserves an empty, hollow life.

I never did say that the mother couldn’t be Black, but yes, this could be a Black/Jewish problem, or a White/Muslim problem, or even an Latino/Asian problem. Point is, she deserves nothing good with this kind of mindset, and I wish her… maybe not the worst, but very close to it. No sympathy for racism.

Keep your head up! You’re probably better off without all that negative energy anyway.

julfunky 29

The most important question at this point is did she take the car?

Looks like your mom is prepared to spend a lot to “Make America Great Again.” Fighting “miscegenation” is one of those old values The Base wants to bring back.

assuming she offered to buy an American car ;)

Love how you assume she’s a trump supporter just because she’s racist.

Not all Trump supporters are racists, but all racists (who participated in the presidential election of 2016) supported Trump, because he was their only choice.

You can’t choose your blood kin but you can choose your family

IAmClay 24

Let’s hope she didn’t agree