By Eggs6131 - 15/10/2013 13:09 - United Kingdom - Nottingham

Today, I found out that my brother is adamant that if he records silence, then listens to said silence at full volume, it'll improve the headphones' noise-blocking abilities. I live with a complete idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 360
You deserved it 3 327

Eggs6131 tells us more.

For all the people who don't get it, my brother recorded about a minute's worth of silence on his little MP3 player, so he could listen to said recording at full volume. He thought if he listened to this recording of nothingness on a loop at full volume, it would make his earphones act like earplugs, cancelling out any noise made. #8, still laughing at that "I'm sorry? I can't hear you for all this silence blasting in my ears". #22, he's fifteen :

Top comments

Tell him if he talks with them on, his mom can't hear him. That should be fun to watch.


geeenious 3

Sounds like your brother independently invented white noise sound blocking effect. The technique could use some improvement, such as generating white noise instead of recording "silence" and hoping for the best, but the overall idea actually works. So yeah.

He's wrong but not by too much. If he attached a microphone to his headphones and inverted the sound signal, his headphones would cancel out the sounds around him (tht's what some noise cancelling headphones do). However going from this, i doubt he has the technology or knowledge to do that...

"He hears the silence so LOUD" ^^This ones for the Metallica fans!(:

Actually, you're supposed to do that to break in most professional headphones

White noise will not cover anything but if taking that and add audio it has to blast to cover the white a way he is correct but things are a bit off...

perdix 29

If you waste any time arguing with him about this, you are not much smarter than him. When an idiot becomes adamant, just pretend to agree and move on.

Is this why everyone ultimately agrees with me? :(

perdix 29

#38, absolutely!! Would you like a cookie?

Last time you gave me a cookie it was oatmeal raisin. I have trust issues now.

perdix 29

#53, even worse is that I don't put raisins in the oatmeal cookies I make.

perdix 29

#58, *points skyward*. Look! A dead bird!

Each time I read this FML, I felt my IQ lower a bit. o_o

As I see it, it's a perfect opportunity to mess with him. Just whisper something in a made up language when he records.