By allergic - 21/10/2010 03:12 - France

Today, I found out that I have a gluten allergy. What this basically means is that I can't eat anything with wheat in it; bread, pasta, cake, you name it. I am Italian, this basically limits me from eating any of the awesome food my family makes almost every night. Here I come plain rice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 730
You deserved it 3 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are gluten free flours out there -not at good as the real thing but still work-able. it's awful at first but eventually you learn to adapt and barely even notice the difference.

I've got that too ;( Believe me that sucks!


Here is where you learn you were adopted.

plain rice.. pfft. It's not over yet. one of the many awesome things available to you is risotto. put any meat/veg you want in it. use a quality stock with the reduction method and you're in flavor country. when there's a will, there's a way. most pasta sauces can be served on a bed of arborio rice instead of pasta and it is just delicious. check it out. I saw a killer recipe for gnocchi and a pizza dough. your food eyes are about to opened and it's a hell of a good sight.

get some sick recipes that had rice in it. like fake cabbage rolls

Okay so being gluten intolerant sucks but at least youre old enough to understand it. I took care of a 3 year old who had celiac was also allergic to soy,lactose, wheat, and about 600 other random things. That being said i still gave ya the "life sucks" even though most gluten free foods these days are quite yummy.

crystalbeee 0

I usually come sperm. but u come rice. wow ur weird.

it sucks. I am allergic to the acid in tomatoes.

all you have to do is eat it a bunch of times and your body will get used to it and you won't be allergic anymore

You are obviously terribly misinformed. Celiac disease isn't a true allergy, it's an inflammatory disease of the bowel caused by an reaction to gluten. Eating more of it will not build up a tolerance, it will just cause more inflammation and more symptoms.

I hope you know that's basically poisoning yourself.

VioletRayOfSunsh 0

There are a lot of gluten free substitutes and websites and recipe books that can help you stay close to your normal diet :) never give up!

I have coeliac and you are very lucky to be living in Italy with it. It is by far the best country I have been to in terms of how many people know what coeliac is and how helpful they are in finding things to eat. There is only one restaurant who didn't know what it was, and that was out of about 15. In England it would be the other way round! The selection of food available in supermarkets was also much better. Eating out and getting my family to comply were the hardest parts for me. You need to get used to reading the label on everything, and watch out for things that could trip you up like soya sauce, grated cheese in restaurants is often coated in cheese. You can make a lot of things at home which will taste better than things bought in the supermarket using rice flour or a gluten free flour mix, you just need to make sure everything shared with your family has been properly washed and has no crumbs in, crumbs get everywhere!

Restaurant cheese is coated in cheese?!? Does the health department know about this? =P

Sounds like you should have been born puerto rican. very few of our foods have gluten c: