By strawberrypuff - 04/05/2009 23:39 - United States

Today, I found out nobody in my family wants to come to my college graduation. I spent 4 years and $60,000 to be the first person in my family to go to college, and nobody wants to see me graduate because the 4 hour ceremony is too long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 463
You deserved it 4 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brodizzle 0

You didn't spend 60k on the ceremony... you spent it on the education you got, and the diploma.

Guess you get a free ticket to not go to one of their weddings, funerals, etc...!


Wow, it's really pathetic how some people are I'm sorry to hear that about your family No wonder you were the first one to go to college You're the only one who seems to have any sense Congrats though (:

ILoveJace01 0

Fine. Then when someone in the family has a wedding, don't go because the "ceremony will be too long." And when your parents want you to come visit, "the drive will be too long" or "you already have plans". What jerks.

To everyone saying the 4 hour ceremony is too long...Just think about how much time most people have taken out for weddings, funerals, church ceremonies, etc. that your parents not only wanted, but most likely demanded that you go to, and you did because you cared about the parties involved. Shit, just think of the other kind of stuff people spend 4 hours doing! It's a small amount of time in the grand scheme of things. I would seriously put that degree to use and decline something you don't "feel" like going to from a nice house in a new town :)

The true achievement is the time spent earning your degree, not sitting on your ass for 4 hours while someone reads off a list of thousands of names, most of which you've never heard of. Perhaps it's important to you, but I would much rather skip the ceremony in favor of a dinner with my family (and I'm sure most of them would agree).

If my child wanted me to sit through their EIGHT hour graduation ceremony I would go to watch my child walk across the stage and receive their diploma. And I'm currently going to college. I feel really sorry for you!!! :( Maybe you should explain to your mom and dad how important this is to you...

screename 0

congrats on graduating! an that sux about your parents! im graduating from college and my family is driving 8 hours to watch me graduate, my brother even bought plane tickets. i think you should make them go! an i read some of these comments about the ceremony isn't that's BS. you spent countless torturous hours getting through college looking forward to the day you would dress up and be the center of attention when the dean hands you that piece of paper in honor of your achievement. it's boring, but it's a ceremonious right of passage! GO! and MAKE them go too!

applesaucers 0

Blah. I didn't even go to my own high school graduation... lol. But, FYL. I'm in band in college and I still have to suffer sitting through 3 or 4 hour long graduations until the time comes for me to skip out on my own. Sigh... anything for a scholarship. Congrats, though!!

EveryDayJackAss 0

actually i wouldnt care lol i mean i graduated...big woop

grats but i wouldnt wana go either haha...thats just too dam long. i was bitching the whole tiem in my high school graduation and if i graduate college i dont wana go to that one

Your situation is sad, but I have a similar one. All you can do is be proud of your accomplishment whether or not they are. A college graduation IS a big deal. I mean HELLO it is your rite of passage after 4 grueling years of figuring out how to play AND work while fighting against fatigue. Don't let the issue bring you down. If you can try to convince them to go then do it. Btw, Congratulations!