By Susan - 23/08/2009 17:08 - United States

Today, I was driving my car and I thought the construction guy was flirting and waving at me. So I drove by him, waving back, then I hit an oil spill and my car ended up spinning out of control. He was trying to direct me away from the oil spill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 876
You deserved it 43 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kyle_kbo20 0

YDI for thinking your all that, and that everyone wants to flirt with you

Unless he was thrusting in the direction you should have went, he's not flirting with you. Stop flattering yourself.


kyle_kbo20 0

YDI for thinking your all that, and that everyone wants to flirt with you

kudos to you for not saying "first". and also, i agree YDI.

blargity 0

#1 maybe she thought at least he would flirt with her and at least she didn't flip him off edit: people are going wayyyy too out of control with "YDI" today

Construction workers have standards. Don't flatter yourself.

wow I was going to say that... " YDI for thinking you're pretty"

dothedallywag 0

I feel SO sorry for you, but LOL!!! Bahahahahaha....

Flirting and directing are two totally different things. I mean, do the waves really look that similar? I mean, the ocean even waves. (;

Unless he was thrusting in the direction you should have went, he's not flirting with you. Stop flattering yourself.

Agreed. What kind of fool thinks someone is flirting when they're waving their arms around like that, especially if the fool is driving? Is she new? OP, just so you know, people often signal with their arms and hands when you drive.

Exactly this. Don't you learn this in the highway code? YDI for not learning road rules.

Roxas_fml 0

I bet you think everyone tries to flirt with you. :/ YDI.

Do you really think a construction guy would flirt with you by waving at you, during his shift? YDI for thinking you're all that.

screwtaylor 0

YDI for being a concieted (sp?) bitch.

sublime93 0

weird. i before e, except after w or c?