By Anonymous - 19/01/2010 07:58 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me for six months with my best friend of five years. After asking him what she had that I didn't, he responded with one word - "Boobies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 853
You deserved it 4 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't have boobies? Not even one? What did you do with them? They couldn't have just walked off on their own. Quick, find them and maybe he'll take you back or you'll find a better guy. They're always in the last place you look.

The only question there should have been was what address should his shit be shipped to? Never compare yourself to another female because he decided to cheat. Self confidence is key, lacking that is probably why he cheated in the first place...


ajaysallthat 0

I would comment but I would need a picture

pretty_rave_girl_fml 11

wat a jerk!! guys should like a girl for who they are

is he like 12? boobies? really? what does she have i dont? boobies...!

rooskieroo 0

looks to me like you got out of something you should have never been in in the first place. your boyfriend was a tool and your best friend was a *****. you don't need that shit. n trust me..karma's a bitch..and it's coming for them. p.s. his response to why he's been cheating on his girlfriend with her best friend is boobies? that right there should tell you something. i know it hurts now..but noones going to want either of them..and she's gunna have no friends in the future.

lupe_girl26 0

You dont wanna be with a guy like that anyway. He'll probably do the same thing to her.

twilitchaser15 0

maybe if you got implants he might come back rofl.