By lightblue - 10/10/2010 04:33 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend is an active member of the suicide forum. He told me I should make an account too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 661
You deserved it 3 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing they don't have many members.

perdix 29

Is it a forum that is for or against suicide? If they're against it, maybe he thinks you'd be good at helping suicidal people not take their own lives. If they're the other kind, he's looking for an easy way to dump you.


quick take out a life insurance policy and start picking on him- a lot.

sarah17xx_fml 10
sarah17xx_fml 10

well i guess it depends on the type of forum ........... for all we know it could be the suicide girls forum ;) and that would be just hott!

Pisces86 0

@empirical everybody deserve to live that's why God made us...and if you are suicidal then you should get help listen to your boyfriend

I'm an Atheist myself, and it's pretty douchy to shout "OMFG GOD DOESN'T EXIST YOU STOOPID FUCKTARD!!!! RAWRAWRAWRAWR!!" every single time someone mentions their religion. Especially considering YOU don't even know for an absolute fact, and on a site like *******

FFML_314 11


Finally, someone picked up on the pun in my name. Anyway, it's your opinion, but Fmylife just isn't the place for it.

FFML_314 11

Fmylife isn't the place for it? Am I in the presence of FML royalty here? Correct me if I'm wrong, but /you/ sir are /not/ the person to be saying where the right and wrong place for such topic to be discussed is. I do not see a pretty gold star badge next to your name, so move along. :)

Sorry - atheist means you believe there's no god; agnostic means you're not sure. It's simply not possible to be sure one way or another and if you think there is, you're a fool.

Kiwifruit22 0

Everyone deserves to feel happy. I have depression, and my boy friends support has been more amazing than anything i could have wished for. I'm glad he was a good person and stood by me.